Supply Chain

We choose to do business with suppliers who share a commitment to preserving our environment. Because our suppliers play an important role in allowing us to maintain our well-respected reputation, we expect them to conduct business in ways that align with our Values and adhere to our Supplier Code of Conduct.

We expect our suppliers to:

  • Comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations
  • Conduct their business with concern for the environment and the environmental impacts from their business
  • Identify opportunities for conservation of natural resources and finding ways to reduce pollution and landfill waste
  • Ensure products supplied to Boise Cascade® do not contain metals derived from “conflict minerals”—tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold, or their derivatives—that directly or indirectly finance or benefit armed groups in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (or any adjoining country)
  • Support the commitments set forth in Boise Cascade’s Conflict Minerals Policy
  • Read about the steps we’re taking with regard to the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act

For information on The California Transparency in Supply Chains, read the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act.

Reporting Concerns

We provide a CARE Line, which provides any of our stakeholders— associates, customers, or suppliers—with a confidential way of reporting potentially unsafe, unethical, or illegal activity at any time, including sustainability-related concerns.